Saturday, September 28

ZRP Commissioner-General's fake daughter involved in a fraud scandal

 ZRP Commissioner-General’s fake daughter involved in a fraud scandal. The fake Matanga’s daughter, Evelyn Matanga (29) is accused of defrauding one Hilda Ndoro of US$2 395 in a residential stand deal. On Friday, the accused appeared before Harare magistrate Dennis Mangosi who denied her bail. A Harare woman has appeared before the courts after masquerading as Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga’s daughter and a lawyer to defraud an unsuspecting victim.

The State told the court that sometime in October last year, Ndoro was introduced to Matanga by her daughter who insinuated that Matanga was a legal practitioner who could help her through processes of purchasing a residential stand in Harare’s Damofalls.

Prosecutors also alleged that Ndoro then met Matanga in Harare CBD with the latter introducing herself as Matanga’s daughter and a legal practitioner who could assist her. Matanga then asked for US$2 800 for the site plan, cavets, cavet fee, deeds and several amounts for the stand in question.

It is further alleged after receiving the funds, Matanga later supplied a forged receipt from the department of the Surveyor-General of which she paid $25 and forged it to US$350. Ndoro, after receiving the forged receipt, became suspicious and requested another meeting with Matanga in the CBD.

Matanga, however, started avoiding Ndoro and also stopped taking her phone calls. Ndoro’s continued demands for her receipts from Matanga yielded nothing with the latter ending up electronically blocking her phone number

Ndoro then used another witness, Trish Gwatidzo to lure Matanga while pretending to be a new client altogether. Matanga allegedly came to meet Gwatidzo in the CBD, leading to her arrest. The total value of prejudice is US$2 935 and nothing was recovered.

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