Sunday, September 29

Zimbabwean Praymore Dube Wanted Akapfura Akauraya South Africa Policeman

:Crime Scene Report: *Murder of a police officer in Diepsloot Ext 3 at Tanganani.* 

On 2020/01/17 at approximately 08h45 Capt Selomo and Capt Raseroka attended a crime scene of murder between Jabulani and Solidarity  street in Diepsloot. 

According to the informantion Capt O.A Matjie persal number 0619079-1 and his crew Sgt Thipe conducted a Joint tracing  operation with Diepsloot Crime Prevention Diepsloot following Diepsloot Case 240/01/2020 Attempted murder and Robbery at ext 6 that took place on 2020/01/14 which involved four Zimbabwean Male known  by the community as Praymore Dube, Bongani Moyo,Ronny (unknown surname) and Mongameli Mpofu.

During the tracing that was led by the informant who called the main suspect known as Praymore Dube to supply him with the live ammunition. The target told the informant to meet with him first at Ext 01 and changed again to Tanganani open space at Diepsloot Ext 3.

Then the tracing team hide their motor  vehicles, took cover around the open ground and the informant walked to the ground to meet with Praymore Dube followed by a Police Officer in civilian clothing. 

The suspect noticed unusual movements and started to shoot randomly , the informant managed to run away and the police retaliated and he managed to run out of the crowd  and then Capt grabbed him from behind ,as he was running through the passage to the informal settlement where he is residing. The suspect over powered the Capt and shoot him at a close range on his neck through his face.

After shooting Capt the suspects ( Praymore Dube and Bongani Moyo run one street across the Crime scene,  on his arrival he shot the three vehicles in the yard and they picked up empty cartridge and sped off using a Nissan MP200 unknown registration number and Colour.

A case of murder is registered as per Diepsloot Case 290/01/2020  and the suspect is not arrested but is known as Praymore Dube.


Cst Eric Khunwane ID no 8704055829088 was also injured during the operation an he is admitted at Sunninghill Hospital. He sustained injuries on the elbow and open wound on the thumb .

 **Two  suspects* are arrested as per Case 240/01/2020 ,Sap14/ 95/01/2020 known as Mongameli Mpofu D.O.B 1994-12-16 and the other arrested suspect is admitted at Tembisa Hospital due to the injuries from community bitting.His particulars will obtained.

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