Tuesday, September 24

Zanupf Mp Newton Kachepa Afa Mutsaona Aenda Ku Hospital Kusina Zvekurapisa Mhuri Yake Yochema

Former Mudzi ZANUPF MP and recently-installed Chief Mukota, Newton Kachepa, died this morning at Marondera Hospital from injuries sustained in a car accident in Murewa.





At Marondera Hospital there is no ICU, no medication, no manpower, no ambulances. Former Mudzi ZANUPF MP and recently-installed Chief Mukota, Newton Kachepa, died this morning at Marondera Hospital from injuries sustained in a car accident in Murewa.





When I talk about bad roads, lack of ambulances and dilapidated hospitals, ZANUPF accuses me of driving an anti-ZANUPF political agenda.





The looting of public funds and plunder of the country’s natural resources by ZANUPF elites has dire and fatal consequences, and these consequences will locate you regardless of your political party affiliation!








The consequences are there for all including in ZANUPF to see, they continue to manifest!


I don't know kuti tochema munhu here or miti nouswa zvaparara.

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