Friday, September 27

Violet Dhliwayo Wekukanda Mwana Mutoilet Inehonye Orondedzera Why Akarasa Mwana kuti Apihwe Mutongo Wecommunity Service

Macases seyaViolet Dhliwayo ari complicated and kazhinji materms acho, in some states haadariki 5 years, kumwewo 10 and they usually get lesser sentences , that is if they are



incarcerated, pane yemurder chero kwese kuri kuuraya reason being , mai vanogona ivo brain dzakatorasika , yogonzi psychotic filicide , chero infanticide yacho zvakonzerwa nePPD.



In short zvangu ndirikungoti all expectant mothers need support , regardless of their marital status or kuti akamitiswa kana kuti 'haina baba' nezvimwe zvese izvo but society yedu inoda kudzidziswa kumira nemunhukadzi akazvitakura kusvika mwana azvarwa akura , Mai vaita recover from maternal distress zvese nemwana. Kazhinji vana varikuraswa because mai vanenge vachizeza or kutya 'society' esp masingle mommies aya.


Pane vese vana varikuraswa ava, I blame the community, society ndoproblem and society ikachinja hunhu towards maexpectant mothers muchaona macases aya achiita mashoma. Right now Violet arikushaudhwa left , right & centre and even mumota umo mukutobuda mathreats , everyone is on her case and nobody cares about her but the infant chete. Ko mai?



Energy irikushandiswa kutuka madzimai anenge auraya vana ngaishandiswe pakusupporter maexpectant mothers nevachangozvara kuitira kuti vasauraye vana. The society is at fault🙅Did people varikutaura izvi see the video? Imagine kukandwa mumadhodhi anemakore ,nemamwe arifresh .the smell .imagine uchifambwa nehonye 1 muhuro kuzoti a multitude of honye,ha imi kudhara mhani imi Moda kurohwaHaasi kugara mujeri uyu achangoita community service according to the laws and doctors they discover kuti munhu akazvara or during pregnancy dzinombopenga chete 

I saw mumwe mukadzi akatomucherera pasi chaipo 

Zvakaoma I can feel the pain I was in that condition as well ini ndoona kunge dzanga dzatodambuka coz i was depressed zvino ndorarama sei I’m still in trauma have you ever go kuroad kuti nditsikwe hangu nemwana wobatwa nehope wakagara paroad pacho 

Have you ever pray kuti Mwari torai henyu mwana ndisare ini hangu at least I can survive 

I suffered zvekuraramira kuti ndipei hangu sadza ndiwane mukaka wemwana ndokuitirai hangu basa 💔💔💔 

The father was there enjoying his life 

Now im grateful Handizive kuti ndovatenda nei Mwari 

Im financially stable im alive 

I didn’t give up 

It’s LIFE 😢💔

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