Thursday, September 12

Villagers voungana se paita Nude ra Njuzu For Free Bread At Lobels, Swift Trucks Accident Scene see more

HUNGRY villagers Wednesday scrambled to loot free loaves of bread from a Lobels Bread delivery truck that had been involved in an accident with another truck at Buffalo Downs where three people died.

The incident happened at Buffalo Downs, a few kilometres outside Karoi Wednesday morning.

The trucks involved in the accident belonged to confectionery giant Lobels, and courier logistics company, Swift.

But while the incidence of sudden death is too appalling an occurrence, this thought was far from the minds of some villagers who took the opportunity to perform some free shopping from the bread delivery truck. Contacted for comment, Mashonaland West provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Margaret Chitove confirmed the accident but said details and circumstances leading to the crash were still being investigated.

“Indeed, the accident occurred this Wednesday morning near Karoi but at present, we don’t have further information as investigations are still underway. We will revert to you as soon as we finish compilation of the information,” Chitove said

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