Sunday, June 30

United Methodist Church Mutemo We Church Haubvumire Munhu Kuti Azviuraye Saka Hapana Anopfeka Uniform Panhamo Ya Rev Mukahanana

Extract from the Book of Descipline of The United Methodist Church, 2016 ¶ 161(O)


Statement on Suicide



We believe that suicide is not the way a human life should end. Often suicide is the result of untreated depression, or untreated pain and suffering.





The church has an obligation to see that all persons have access to needed pastoral and medical care and therapy in those circumstances that lead to loss of self-worth, suicidal despair, and/or the desire to seek physician-assisted suicide.



We encourage the church to provide education to address the biblical, theological, social, and ethical issues related to death and dying, including suicide. United Methodist theological seminary courses should also focus on issues of death and dying, including suicide.





A Christian perspective on suicide begins with an affirmation of faith that nothing, including suicide, separates us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). Therefore, we deplore the condemnation of people who complete suicide, and we consider unjust the stigma that so often falls on surviving family and friends.





We encourage pastors and faith communities to address this issue through preaching and teaching. We urge pastors and faith communities to provide pastoral care to those at risk, survivors, and their families, and to those families who have lost loved ones to suicide, seeking always to remove the oppressive stigma around suicide. The Church opposes assisted suicide and euthanasia.

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