Thursday, February 13

Two Mbavha Dzafa Dzadzikwa Ne Bus Muna Chinhoyi Izvezvi Hazvisikutarisika Kuita Mince Meat

Two mbavha dzePhone dzarohwa nebhazi munaChinhoyi Street in Harare. The two theives were trying to escape the scene of their crime when the accident happened.


While the other man suffered serious injuries, the other one afira on the spot.






The two males had reportedly taken a phone from close to the Gulf complex, according to an eyewitness. They encountered oncoming traffic while trying to flee, which resulted in the tragic collision.If the Bible say Usabe then you choose to do it somehow ndiwo maconsequences acho renge rachemedza vanhu vakawanda







irori ,pain of loosing a phone ma1 guys unoita kunge watorasikirwa nepart of ur life coz mamwe mamemories atinenge takachengetera mumaphone edu hatina kwatinozomawana futi ,now tongoti thanks to Google yakukwanisa kutichengetera zvinhu

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