Tuesday, September 24

Tinashe Mutarisi Onzi Anonyanya Kuda Kuita Mari Yake Pajekerere kokushanda Akanyarara Saka Zanu-PF Yakumugadzirira Size

ZANU PF Party haitombode progress yevamwe Tinashe Mutarisi zambia Botswana enda unovhura mabussiness ako siyana nechinyika icho chaora Buda tiza neLife Yako unoti ana strive masiwa vakapusa here vaka relocatorBut iyeye






anonyanya kuda kuzviita pajekerere kokushanda achiita Mari dzake silently why interacting with celebs ,Varidzi vechicken inn ndiyan anovaziva ngaadzidze kuva private,Zvinokuvadzisa zvekuda kuzivikanwaYaaahh the only way we can make money as Zimbabweans is to leave Zimbabwe






True ngaanovhura out of the country zim too much sabotageHavatode kuona tichirarama vanhu vacho tovaziva zvedu.







"Day 7 and we are still crying out for help. ZESA - Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority. We have knocked all the doors we can knock and called all the numbers we can call but still the same reply “as soon as possible” We need help, thousands will lose their income me included if this is not solved ASAP. We are ready to contribute in any way.

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