Friday, September 27

Tinashe Mugabe DNA Tanga Makwesha Vanhu Mazino Nekuvagezesa Vozouyawo Pacamera You Make Fun Of These People Fans Not Happy Pagadzirisei Ipapo

Maya... Team yaMugabe let us down, they should b professional, pane inonzi wardrobe n make up, which is done b4 a shoot,..In this case none of dat was done,... Munhu anongobuda mumagumbeze akotoiswa mushoot....I think pashow yake Tinashe vanozvida zvinhu zvakadai. Ndinoona at times camera focusing pashangu dzevanhu especially dzakangodarodaro wotoshaya what that has to do with the issue at hand



Ko saka production team yedna yakatadza kuvapa tissue kuti vapukute muromo or just to edit that out. So much for raw footage and views but haaa zvimwe zvinonyanya. Chii chakadaroI don't know maybe it's me who is too serious about life.I don't find humour or pleasure in moking people over things they can't control..This lady is old to be dragged like this,if not for anything but her age is enough for us not to dehumanise her like this.. I'm ashamed of all the ladies who are laughing at her..For a second assume she is your mom or sister were you going to write such horrible comments..



The skin tone tells you she has an underlying Medical condition that was passed on to the daughter too,it's a family sickness somehow.But y'all mock an old poor lady shame on y'all.Dai vakavapawo tissue vakapukuta



Iye camera man akabura hake zvakawanda apa vanhu vese were vulnerable to his camera including bota father 😀😇Soko vakapihwa hug naTinashe paya..totenda Mwari Chihera havana kuzosvika pachikamu ichocho..ndipo pataizoona kusimba kwaTinashe pahug apa..regai ndikwire hangu mumutiFrothy mouthy is a medical condition 


Dry mouth is likely the culprit if you notice foamy saliva escaping from the corners of your mouth or coating your tongue. Dry mouth can be traced to several medical conditions and other risk factors, such as: Medications.

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