Wednesday, September 25

Themba Gorimbo Ovala Maborehole Kumasvingo Kwaakabva Oti Zimbabweans Musandiudzire Zvekuita Maisavepo Pandaitambura Ndine Vanhu Vandinoterera Not Vanhu Vasina Basa

Batai mazwi, and read to understand, not everyone who says something about you matters, pick and choose who you can learn from first, vamwe vese I noise chaiyo.



My brother just forcus siyana nezvinhu zvisina Basa you look good terera people that metters only otherwise I am your fan bro keep going as we also pray more for you




Nobody offered him advice or training for him to get to the level he is now . Nobody advised him to donate his 7000usd prize towards water sanitation in his village. Why maakuda kumuudzira zvokuita now . To hell with take him down syndrome




Zimbabweans zvimwe zvacho unotoshaya kuti mweya we kurwadziwa here, wy musingatukane Nana Tom jones vanoda zvekutukana nemi mosiya wo vanhu vakuzvizamira life yavo

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