Monday, September 16

Temba Mliswa speaks To President ED Munangagwa   We all marched against Mugabe, but now you are in power and eating alone

Temba Mliswa to ED: We all marched against Mugabe, but now you are in power and eating alone. Speaking in Parliament yesterday, Mliswa bemoaned abuse of human rights under the so-called new dispensation, saying they are now only serving their own interests.

Norton Independent Member of Parliament,Temba Mliswahas told President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration that Zimbabwe is now a divided nation, with the Karangas now in power and now eating alone.

“In November 2017 we marched together against Mugabe as one people, but today they have forgotten. Vaakudya vega.(They are only serving their own interests),” he said. Mliswa added: “The New Dispensation is arresting innocent people. My mother cried when I was recently arrested.”

He bemoaned the continued disrespect of the country’s Constitution, saying that was the very reason why late former President Robert Mugabe faced impeachment before he threw in the towel. “You cannot talk about a nation when the constitution is not being followed. Former President Mugabe was impeached because he did not follow the constitution. One of the things he failed was on devolution,” said Mliswa.

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