Friday, September 27

Swagger Onzi Kupemha Anyanya Munhurume Ngaatsvage Basa Not Kumanika Mabhora Achisweater Mumadress

Murume ngaatsvage basa kwete kurembedza mazibhora muzidhirezi imomo tiri kutoshaya varume vanoroora varume vachiswero ita zvekumama nxaaType iyi iri cursed zvekuti ukaipa mari hauzombofa wakaita chinemusoro ...type iyi unototsanya 7 days dry fasting ,7 days Uchimwa mvura chete ,7 days praying n eating wozoipa mari , pasina izvozvo spirit of poverty inokunama not mbichana😂😂lm sure vasikana nevakadzi vakawanda tadzidza from this 😂you can never trap a man nemwana its only love that keeps a man kana usingadiwe chero ukazvara vana 100 unongovengwa iwe nevana vako a man can never show off zvinhu zvaasingadeSwaga wedu paakwira haachadzika😊.Musakanganwe kupera kwemwedzi gadzirirai mari dzerent negrocery.Kupa kune mufaro kunokunda kugamuchira😊😊Swaga wedu watinoda TESE pano haafanirwe kutambura.😊😊Kubaka Baka family Ahoyi 🔥🔥Every family has that 1 person who brakes the circle of financially struggles for the entire family

If you are reading this, may you be the person.🙏I wish to be followed by you it could mean a lot 💙

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