Thursday, September 26

Swagger Anogona Achitopenga Muchimusekerera This Man Need Help Kuchipatara

Nhym anogona kunqa achitopenqa umm arkushandisa swagger kuhama dzake nqaanzwewo tsitsi he was a good boyfriend kuvakadzi mnhu uyu asati aiswa muhari


Chii chakadaro kunge ngozi kushora varipasi zvino midzimu inodla zvihwitsi, vakutora chikaranga sechinhu chakareruka mwere idziVarume kana pane zviri kunetsa huya titaure zvichiri pedo honai kwazvasvitsa swagga




Ndinonzwira tsitsi hama dzake hangu🤣🤣🙌🏽chii chakadaro ichocho chinenge ngozi nhaimi 🤣🤣kunge jongwe remusvotoAko Peggy kapok kepa fio haaa dressing chete wangu unombozama kusvika pakuita kunge munhu anorwara njere kudaro chiiko ..kokungppfeka as a normal person nhai swaggerlicious 🤣🤣🤣




I will tell you something, the alphabet 🏳️‍🌈 community inemari manje... All you need to do is to represent yourself properly... Swagger is a cross dresser and in as much as we might not understand him, ngazviite zviveneka class so.. at least zvimuunzire Mari.. already he has a reasonable social media presence,





it won't take much for rich "after-nines" to look his way manje nekamupfekero Kake kunge munhu arikutanda botso kudaro they cant tell whether he is gay, mad or both... Ayyy he must find a better sense of style maan ... Maybe starting by not putting on everything that he come across mu wardrobe make.. he must also tone down on the make up

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