Saturday, September 28

Suluman chimbetu Appointed Secretary of Arts and culture of (AAG) By President Mike Chimombe

(AAG) President, Zanu PF Youth League indigenisation and empowerment secretary, Cde Mike Chimombe, yesterday appointed Suluman Chimbetu as Secretary of  Affirmative Action Group (AAG) yesterday in Marondera . He will working together entrepreneur-cum-preacher Being the vice President of AAG Passion Java, Ms Anastancia Ndhlovu, Mr Munyaradzi Kashambe and Mr Mabutho Moyo.

Suluman chimbetu will be working as Secretary of arts and culture while  clifford Hlupelo will assume the role of secretary-general, while Mr Scott Sakupwanya is the treasurer-general. Ari Goldenstein will be in charge of communications and advocacy, while Mr Tafadzwa Musukume will be the legal advisor.

AAG is a lobby group formed in 1994 to promote black economic empowerment. It has produced some of the country’s leading entrepreneurs like Dr Chiyangwa, the late Cde Tendai Savanhu and media mogul Mr Supa Mandiwanzira.

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