Sunday, September 29

Speech From President Nigel Gwirikwiti In The Future

The following is an example of the speeches you will be getting when I become the President....

Fellow countrymen,statesmen, keith and kin I am honored to address the nation as the duly elected President of Zimbabwe. Firstly , I would like to explicitly express my sincere profound gratitude to everyone who gave me the mandate to govern our great nation. I also want to acknowledge those who exhibited their democratic rights for voting the other candidates. I am also your President. 

On this day , in the 21st century of the Anno Domini , I solemnly swear I will unconditionally and unequivocally defend the constitution and protect the Republic under any means necessary or unnecessary. We are Zimbabweans first and Shona , Ndebele , Venda  etc second . Consequently, we are all equal under the flag and have equal patriotic rights to make Zimbabwe great again . 

My administration has a zero tolerance  policy on corruption. This great nation has the intellectual capacity , the natural resources and manpower to be the greatest nation under the sun . However, corruption has robbed us of our greatness . We are mere trustees of the natural resources for the next generation. Ecological justice is a patriotic responsibility for all citizens . 

In this globalization/ glocalization my administration will systematically and tactically position Zimbabwe in the international community sphere . Our sphere of influence is limitless . We are Zimbabweans and by default we are allergic to mediocre! 

For the avoidance of doubt, my administration will make sure jurisprudence is administered with parity . As outlined in our sovereign constitution, the juristic and natural persons rights will be respected accordingly. Gone are the days wherein juristic and natural persons rights are violated by the curators of the judiciary system . 

The journey to excellence has commenced . As a proud citizen play your patriotic responsibility, hold my administration accountable . Zimbabwe must be a citadel of technological, ecological , economical and intellectual advancement. We are the fountain of excellence. 

My fellow countrymen, we have work to do . We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are all equal under the flag ! 

May the Omnipotent handsomely bless the great nation of Zimbabwe! 

I thank you !

President of Zimbabwe

Nigel Denzel Gwirikwiti

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