Tuesday, September 24

Shingisai Opindura Olinda Uku Ndokunonzi Kutonhonzwa Kwachauruka Kuita Kunyadziswa Nenyaya Yekungohakira

Please note this topic was not raised to demean anyone anozvichenera nekuzvigezera. Rather it was inspired by my admiration for the simplicity of those women we hardly notice yet they are at the top of the means of production. I couldn’t help but envy their simplicity.






Sadly, there is a shadow inongodaidza controversy pese pandiri zvinoita kuti tirege kuona discussion at face value when no offense is meant.






Church person is a fundi,ndomhinduro yemunhu akaenda kuchikoro , vaya vemazino anotamba maclarks pamuromo ,kungohakira hakira pasingadi izvozvo.Church person is so civilized.







Mbuya tea hobvu vanyadziswa zviri smart apa. Very smart 🤣And she's right hake ,she didn't generalize. Ataura zvevaanoziva and the admiration she has for their conduct. Kune vazongohakira havo kungoda kunzi vataura but church person vanga vasingataure zve the whole world. Some people have undiagnosed mental illnesses zvekuti they think kuti everything anyone says is about them 🙄Garai pasi vaorinda ichi chirungu hachina zera nemi maita vadoko

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