Monday, September 23

Shadaya Onyanga Shashl Muimbi X Wa Levels Vanhu Voti Anotodawo Zvakanaka Asi Mari Ndoyaasina

Zvakanaka anozvida but hasvikirire ndosaka ane hashaShashil ndo type inodiwa naShadaya pafeya chaipo but anotanha dzaanosvikira idzo🙌…uchaona umwe achiuya kuzo defender iyo ngochani iyoyi yet anoisa zvinhu






zvake pastatus ega 😹😹Sometimes trying to prove to the world how perfect you are,may lead to a miserable way of life,imagine having to make choices that you personally do not approve of but for the sake of practicing what you preach





you are forced to maintain the oppression as an example,ndosaka achingoshaudha hazvisi nyore shuwa 😹😹😹😹






Musikana uyo people come from her but she's actually pretty. Hakuna kumuona pama personal tiktok Ake? Handbrake rake rinomuita sabotage kuti titaure zvakaipa pamusoro pake so she feels like no other will ever want her. Zvimwe rambi kuita participate.

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