Friday, March 07

Sean Mnangagwa Speaks

Highly Trained even to safeguard youMajor Sean Mnangagwa is a well trained security man, he is not an idol nor a decorated stooge which was just placed in the National Security Service for public attention. Remember he joined the Zimbabwe National Army some time ago in 2009 as a Private employee, but later on changed and





became a full serving member. He rose through the ranks, and he is currently a full Major in the Presidential Guard. He even served during the former President Robert Gabriel Mugabe's Era. A big applause to His Excellency President Dr Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa who taught his Family to be very Patriotic and convey Patriotism to the entire Nation. Musarwadziwa!I would rather have my own son protect me than anyone else..Kudos to him if he was






trained for it why not..Aiwa zvinhu nepazviri muzim inonzi trust nobody situation saka that one is very wise idea plus obviously ndiye aka akaita Baba Bona va mame.Even during Mugabe's time he was always presidential guard and its now under his father he is at work. 


That's why the other twin who is not a soldier did not accompany him.

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