Saturday, September 28

Schools Opening Decision This Week

A decision on whether to open schools for the second term on 28 June will be made this week, a senior government official has said.

The National Taskforce on COVID-19 will meet early this week to deliberate on schools opening and then forward its recommendations to Cabinet.

Chief co-ordinator of the National Response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Office of the President and Cabinet, Agnes Mahomva, told State media that a final decision will be made this week. She said:

We are looking into it. You are aware there is a task force that is always guided by science.

We look at data on the ground and we make decisions based on that data. This task force meets every Monday and Cabinet sits every Tuesday. You will definitely hear from that process.

An upsurge in infections since schools closed early this month has forced the Government to introduce stricter lockdown regulations.

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