Satanism at Chipinge school as students sees snakes, school forced to shut down. Chimana School Development Committee (SDC) chairperson, Tafara Sithole confirmed the indefinite closure of the school to Chipinge Times and said pupils and teachers have been seeing snakes in the classrooms and they would collapse and experience blackouts. Chimana, a secondary school under Chief Mapungwana in Chipinge was closed on Monday after incidences of Satanism continued to rock the school. When the school closed on Monday it was because children saw snakes in one of the classrooms, said Sithole. Chimani has more than 300 pupils. A female teacher died at the school in May last year due to suspected Satanism.
The frightening situation saw three school inspectors from the District Education office namely Lorcadia Meda and Isiah Masona and the HR Dezman Mwadira visiting the school on Monday and today.
Efforts to get a comment from Chipinge District Schools Inspector Richard Gaza were fruitless. Sithole said that the situation was so bad that even members of the SDC who were tasked to resolve the situation also got ill.
Traditional healers told school authorities that there are three teachers, two female and one male who are involved in Satanism and they initiated 15 pupils into the practice.
“The traditional healers also said the spirit of the deceased teacher was haunting the school. They also said that there was a Chitokoloshi that must kill and feed on human blood,” said Sithole.