Wednesday, September 25

SADC Yamira Nesu For The First Time Zimbabwean Citizens Voti Takuda Kusunungura Nyika Yedu We Are The People Hatichada Corrupt Zanupf Masoja Mapurisa All Citizens Vajamuka This Time Hatichada

The struggle for a better Zimbabwe is everyone’s struggle, it has been tough but don’t be discouraged.


Don’t subcontract your struggles to individuals without contributing to the struggle for a better Zimbabwe yourself.





Nobody is going to come and save Zimbabwe except Zimbabweans themselves.The church, civil society, business, traditional leaders and everyone should be part of a broad based inclusive movement which others can translate into political programs.






But that requires us to have a 1999 moment where we are talking with one voice which everyone feels they have contributed to and represents them.




ZANUPF is never going to provide a free, fair and credible election, NEVER!It is like expecting Ian Smith to provide a free and fair election in 1975 in Rhodesia.Only circumstances created by unity can lead to such a moment where the people’s will prevails.






We need to transcend narrow political party jackets through a critical mass, democracy belongs to everyone.Disjointed brilliance and eloquence or great sound bites without a broad-based and inclusive home won’t change anything. 





We don’t have to agree on everything, but having a common narrative which everyone takes ownership of is key in unlocking a better society led by people who have national legitimacy underpinned by the constitution.





That is the only way we can isolate people who are disregarding the constitution, everyone must coalesce around a common agenda, not just partisan programs meant to provide a pathway to a feeding trough as we have seen since 1980.




We have never had a moment where SADC stood with the constitution in Zimbabwe in the way that it has done, this is a moment that must not be lost.




It is not only the SADC observer team that has spoken, but the SADC secretariat based in Gaborone followed up with a statement underpinning the observer team remarks.




We know that the SADC presidents will have a different view as we have started to see, but a broad based United demand for constitutionalism will change that.The past 23 years and beyond have only benefited a few against a mass swelling of abject poverty affecting the majority across our society, that must end!




To change this sad reality we need a groundswell across the country and internationally saying this can’t continue, it is the legitimacy currency which is underpinned by the first sentence in our constitution which says; “WE THE PEOPLE.”



We are the people we are the army if zanupf won't give a free and fair elections then Mr Chamisa must find weapons for us we are not afraid of fighting#revolt #uprising....chamisa needs to say the word before its too late....let people download vpn in case they shut down the internet...we need to rise m fight this criminal organisation that is forcing itself on is a terrorist group of thieves....rise zimbabwe and fight zanu pf with everything....




the country is collapsing ....masoja atambura...mapurisa atambura....madoctors...mateacher vana vechikoro everthing and everyone except zanu pf leaders....we all need to unite whether u support zanu or not coz we all suffering same way ...

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