Wednesday, September 25

Ruby Lynn Kuonda Kwake Shocking Mazimba Akaitirei Surgery Body Yake Was Good Akafuta

Don't know why she opted for a gastric bypass, she wasn't that big and could have easily lost that weight through dieting and exercise. I doubt muno muAustralia they would have deemed her as a candidate for a gastric bypass






Do we say well done to someone who had surgery or someone who went through the process of healthy eating and exercise. I understand she has medical issues so she had to go for her sleeve but it just different when you to sacrifice all the food you love to lose weight






Ummm, uku kurwara uku sorry zvake. I hope she’s okay.That’s not healthy weight. It looks like she has been going through a lot 😢😢😢I won't judge, I don't know her story maybe she has a medical condition that led to weight loss🤷.I loved her big body though, but we just have to embrace the new Rubylyn now😊





Imi vanhu kurai mhani, people are going through a lot out there, people are battling or fighting for life and some weight loss is for health reasons, after my baby who had a birth weight of 5kg I began to struggle with back pain and my Dr told me to lose weight , I went on diet coz the pain was unbearable but little dd I know that I'm diabetic too which made me lose more weight, there I was being excited that my diet is working when I was actually sick but in the dark.







Two years later that's when I got the diagnosis. So u all say negative things and that won't do good to a person who might be fighting for life. Some weight loss might be a Dr's Prescription.






Diabetes and cancer are worst diseases because symptoms may take time to show hence called silent killers, So try to be nice for once, noone chooses to be sick. Tables can turn any day and zvoitika Kwamuri. Some diseases are in the blood and anobuda after age 40 and you are all growing up zvichasvika , I'm sure that's when u wl understand kuseka hakusi Godly.

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