Saturday, September 28

Robbers pounce on former VP Joice Mujuru farm Read more

Robbers pounce on former VP Joice Mujuru farm. Masvingo Mirror reported police details as saying the complainant, Freddy Chibanda (61), who works as a security officer at the farm was on guard duty, was approached by five unknown male adults. Police in Beatrice, Mashonaland East Provinceare investigating a case of robbery which occurred at former Vice President Joice Mujuru’s Rusambo farm in Beatrice on Thursday night.

One of the suspects reportedly pointed an unknown pistol at the complainant and ordered him to surrender his cell phone before he was blindfolded with a white scarf.

The complainant was tied with a rope and one of the suspects was left guarding him while others proceeded to dismantle irrigation equipment.

Among the equipment stolen were 5×4 horsepower electric motors, 102 sprinklers, 1 control panel box, 5 control boxes and 283 meters armoured cable which were removed from a centre pivot.

The suspects loaded the property in an unknown vehicle and fled from the scene. The complainant later managed to remove the cloth from his face and shouted for help.

Stephen Musona (29) who is also a security guard at the farm rushed and untied him. A report was made at Beatrice Police Station who attended the scene and investigations are ongoing.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi told Masvingo Mirror that he was yet to receive the case.

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