Saturday, September 28

Prophet T Freddy In Exam Cheating Storm

A self-proclaimed prophet, Tapuwa Freddy was allegedly caught in an exam cheating storm last week at a local university, Zim Morning Postreports.

Freddy reportedly smuggled a mobile phone into the exam room at the Women’s University of Africa where he was writing a Theology exam.

The clergyman, who is the founder and leader of Goodness and Mercy Ministries, mistakenly dropped the phone from his lap and walked out of the room in shame. A classmate told the publication:

He smuggled the phone and hid it on his lap but I don’t know how he dropped the phone. He left the exam room in a huff before the invigilator confronted him.

It was an embarrassing episode and classmates made fun of him, questioning why he failed to use the spiritual spectacles to spot the exams.

The publication further reported that University authorities refused to comment on the matter.

Efforts to get a comment from T Freddy were compounded by his office’s demand for a ZWL3 000 booking fee.

On Tuesday, his secretary said he was busy with exams and did not respond to questions emailed to him.

T Freddy gained fame in religious circles as a result of his “ability” to reveal hidden secrets using “spiritual spectacles”.

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