Saturday, September 28

President Mnangagwa Hands Over Brand New Buses To Police, Military Read more

President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Thursday handed over five brand new buses to the military and police and pledged three more for each of the State security agencies by year-end.

This comes at a time when members of the public face severe transport challenges caused by the government when it banned privately-owned kombis from operating ostensibly to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.


Mnangagwa handed over two buses to the Zimbabwe National Army, one for the ZNA headquarters while the Presidential Guard, Airforce of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Republic Police received one each.


He pledged to procure more buses for the security sector to address their transport needs. Said Mnangagwa: Some buses are on the high seas, we should be able to have another batch in October, another batch in November and another in December.

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