Wednesday, September 25

Pokello Oti Akatanga Business Nemagogi 30 Chokwadi Musatiite Masasikamu Ndozvinokupai Mari Yese Here

Hanzi ndakatanga nemagogo 30 Poki ka😂😂.Urikuda kutiudza kuti bhutsu netuhembe twaunotengesa tuya ndotwakusvitsa pauri tsvee kutaura kuti ndiri bere renyika ririkudya mari yenyu macitizens.





Ana Tanya wazoita mamassage mangani zvekuti unodedza maexpensive guests from SA.Musade kutijairira mhani vanhu imimi just celebrate your success but dont put presha on these little girls coming to your events makunyeba as if its as easy as that yet u know kwamuri kuwana mari dzenyu to fund all these things.People are working so hard muZim






zvinhu zvakaoma to the point where there is no niche market to even speak of.Big up to all those trying their best with zero connections, zero cent coming from anyone.Muskana uyo abvunza mibvunzo iyo my dear tsvaga blesser wako nemaconnections kana uchida kusvika pananaTanya nanaPoki usaterere rubbish dzaukudzwa idzo.





Taiti mai Tt vaitipa pressure vakaenda kujeri,then boom mumwedzi wechi9 kwabva kwabudikira chipfukuto chenyika nasahwira vavo kuda kutipa depression yekufunga kuti hatisi kushanda...get away varoyiFake motivators it was just a little tea party,with elegant dressing,for Zanu pf’s side dishes,kufara kuti they are in for another 5 years 😂😂😂,Dei vatotiudza where to fish these big fishes

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