Wednesday, September 25

People Concerned About Ruby Lyn Makeup Artist Apera Nekuonda Hazvina Kumufita RUBY Got Heart Problem Let's Be Kind

Nhai guy what happened to our beautiful Ruby lyn makeup ndiyo banting yacho here. She was so beautiful before this new body of her is not make sure. Let's hope haasi kurwara hake I love this lady shame.



She should upgrade her makeup skills... Zvemazi eyebrows zvasara izvo, her makeup mazuvano yaane kahubharanzi... Funny thing she's the one who taught a lot of mua atove ma guru muindustryBho yako haisi bho yake.




Overweight comes with a lot of health issues. Some lose weight to save their lives. We must learn to see beyond the weightVanhu dzidzai kusiyana nekucomenda ma body evanhu not everyone who is loosing weight bcz of banting some are suffering silently healthy issue zvimwe zvatinotsvagisa ma likes sooka




Ruby akataurawani kuti ndine heart problem saka ndinofana kuluzer weight …. She should upgrade her make up skills chete but aribhoo akadaro

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