Sunday, September 29

Pardon Gambakwe Has Become A Danger To Zimbabweans

For the record President Mnangagwa is not under house arrest Pardon Gambakwe is spreading misinformation with his fake news reporting.

Pardon Gambakwe of Gambakwe Media has been on a mission over the last year and his mission has been to spread misinformation and lies to the people of Zimbabwe. The motivation behind these lies and fake reporting are not clear but one fact is real Pardon Gambakwe has now become a danger to Zimbabwean National Security. Gambakwe seems to be a smart man and knows what he is doing but is he aware of the effects of his fake reporting to Zimbabweans both home and in the Diaspora?

Pardon Gambakwes fake reporting is Causing  Financial impact in Zimbabwe example if there are tourists or investors thinking about doing business in Zimbabwe they will be scared to do business in Zimbabwe, with fake news being reported that the Zimbabwean President has been arrested. Gambakwes fake reporting can cause chaos in the Zimbabwe with party members of  Zanu PF & MDC rioting and looting with news that the president has been arrested. Gambakwes lies is spreading fear amoung Zimbabwean who become afraid to do anything people will be afraid to vote or express thier opinion and this can kill the democratic process.

Gambakwe needs to undserstand its one thing to lie about Tinashe Jonasi being abducted but when his lies affect millions of Zimbabweans and the Southern African region as a whole he needs to evaluate and think the impacts of his lies.

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