In this case the young one should be embarrased kuovertakwer nechembere 🤣🤣🤣🤣 iwe ndiwe wakatombumba kana uchitorerwa nechembere. I hope this little girl understands kuti age aint nothingImagine after taking Olindas 40 years reject wakuti old watt olinda ndiye akapedza panonaka pastunner imi vana vadiki makungodya mutuvi that's a fact you can't change zviweti Kubva kudhara zvichigumanaiye OC ngaangoita saDionne. kungodzikamira soo achingoita zvelife yake, worse oc atori nemurume,ngaaite zvelife yake nemhuri yake,Ndakagare pasi kanongoti mapeg aripazvogimwe,makawanda hako ndiwe unoda zvebakosi mainini iti hlooooooooo.She should just keep quiet this one can't even pronounce embarrassing, she's actually embarrassing herself with her lame accent and English 🙄🙄🙄Iwewe ndiwe wakaenda Kuma old people nekuda zvakapfava Stunner is not your mate he's old madhala too