Thursday, September 26

Olinda Oti Ana Ketina Munoti I'm Married To A Ben 10 Ndimi Futi Makutsamwa Ndamuramba Tytan

The same people that would comment saying you are married to a Ben 10 or he is married to chemebere. The same people who would say he is being abused by me everyday are the very same people that are saying stay married 😂😂😂.



Munhu wese aifunga kundituka from Ketty, name them all vaitanga vanditukira murume kuti mudiki kwandiri, heee ari abused heee what what ! Nhasi ndimi makuda kumirira marriage yacho 😏😏😏😏. Gore randakarambwa maita kuridza ngoma nemaga@ro muchifara. 


Tangai maroorwa imimi toziva kuti makachi master chigame ichi. Until then chengetai zvima advice zvenyu. 




Tsiudzai vana venyu, ndivo vanodya sadza kumba kwenyu. 


Fokofu!Olinda you always say you’re a sophisticated woman you believe in yourself l really want you to be happy but reading a book over and over again girl you know the ending! You might just be friends with stunner or whatever is going on between you two but remember you were once there! You know how it ends.



You loved tytan and you tried your best close that chapter and move on! You deserve a man that values you that will put a crown on your head! A man that can plan a surprise trip for you to Paris a man that can take care of you and be a good father for your kids. You should take your time off pray about the man you need from God stay away for heaven’s sake from stanner veduwe he is just not a man for you!




You deserve better asikana him coming to your party giving you flowers singing what what come on for what? Kubhohwa tytan here or hameno neiro sadza ranezuro here come on he is not even a full stop of what you deserve you look in the mirror everyday and you see what! A beautiful hardworking woman who has created a name for herself!



Yes ma exy and you have kids with them but they should know their place some people you busy entertain in your life only bring bad luck and chases away that Man for you because obviously who would want to be involved in such drama of having ex’s around them being praised on social media iii we’re blacks thats who we are. I hope you get what am saying You Deserve Better Work On Your Black Girl Magic and please please stunner and tytan are your past move on! Olinda Chapel-Nkomo

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