Friday, February 21

Nyaya Iri kundirwadza Iyi George Tower Ya Collapse Ku South Africa Check Hama Dzenyu Confirmed Mazimbabwean 20 Afaa

SADπŸ’” | It has been confirmed that our fellow Zimbabwean brother, Obvious Ncube, has passed away. Another Zimbabwean anonzi Peter Chitiga also died. He didn't make it out of the rubble alive. The death toll in the George building collapse now stands at 32.






So far 20 people remain unaccounted for while 13 are currently in hospital.






This incident yakaoma. Inenge yakwana hayo.asi makwaniro.enguva yacho anotiremeiNyaya iri kundirwadza iyi 😭😭😭😭 kumukira kuti unoshadira mhuri wodzoka uri mucoffin here Mwari tiri kutambura isu 😭😭😭😭

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