Sunday, September 29

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis The Ambience Of Desperation Hopelessness Among Zimbabweans

The ambience of desperation , hopelessness, uncertainty has engulfed the Republic. Poverty has reduced citizenry to nothingness.

Firstly, without any equivocation, with clarity, I can explicitly indicate that I am not condoning theft , larceny and shoplifting . The law must be applied to the offenders accordingly. Be that as it may, we are witnessing very desperate, painful stories emanating from Zimbabwe . Regrettably, seemingly decent, otherwise law abiding looking people are forced by circumstances to steal for survival.

The citizens of the Commonwealth of Social Media witnessed a desperate young woman by the name Rumbie , being humiliated for stealing $800 from her employer. She is a domestic worker , who nicodemusly stole money to buy groceries. We also saw a man who was red -handedly caught with pens and counter books , that he stole for his children . The desperation among citizenry has reached diabolical proportions.

Today, we have witnessed another desperate encounter . Herein this communication is a Zimbabwe National Army solider , Lance Corporal Witness Mpofu . He was caught stealing NRZ signal cables , for survival . The underpaid are now being forced to steal for survival .

Young women are now being forced into prostitution. There is no hope for our people . Furthermore, the administration that is clueless on the economy is advising citizens to eat potatoes and vegetables.

The desperation, hopelessness among citizenry has reached its pinnacle. The Republic continues to burn under the clueless administration.

In general , Zimbabweans are very industrious , peaceful, resilient people . The economic disequilibrium/ doldrums prevailing are now forcing citizens to do anything necessary or unnecessary, for survival!

A luta Continua!

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