Thursday, March 13

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Obert Gutu Pfambi Of Politics Leaves MDC-T

The political prostitute,  Obert Gutu has prematurely aborted the political marriage with Thokozani Khupenga . Officially , through the streets of social media,  the former announced the divorce . He did not declassify the dossiers of the primacy cause of the divorce . 

Allegedly, many citizens of the Commonwealth of Social Media are claiming that Gutu has been having unprotected political intercourses with Zanu PF. Consequently, culminating into him being pregnant with toxic ideas . The ambiance of collegiality between Gutu and Mnangagwa which is exhibited by how the former verbalizes and actualizes his unequivocal support of the latter is very suspicious . 

Furthermore, it is predictably believed Gutu will be ceremoniously announcing his new marriage with Zanu PF. In exchange , he will be handsomely rewarded with an Ambassador position , just like what Zanu did with Maridadhi! 

Gutu needs to be advised accordingly that when he opts to have political intercourse with Zanu, he needs to wear a condom . I mean metaphorically. Recklessly having  a political unprotected intercourse with Zanu PF has inevitably made Gutu susceptible to a political HIV! His mind is now politically saturated with a high political viral load . 

Rest In Peace Gutu ! I mean politically !

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