Sunday, September 29

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Mama Give Us A Signal

Mama give us a signal 

When there is no fuel, they attempt to convince citizenry that fuel is bad and it causes pollution . They preach ecological justice; yet they drive humongous automobiles.

When there is no bread on the shelves , they mendaciously attempt to convince citizenry that bread is not good for their health . In lieu of bread, they say citizenry must eat porridge and potatoes, for breakfast.

When meat becomes a a rare commodity, they attempt to convince citizenry that meat is cancerous. They preach temperance by advising the generality of citizenry to eat vegetables. Conversely, their fridges are packed with pork, chicken , fish and beef.

They say the local education and hospitals furnish world class services, mightier than other countries. Ironically , they send their children abroad for education . Furthermore, when a malady knocks on their door , they expensively and expansively fly abroad for medical attention. Unashamedly, the financial lynching is done and burdensome on the exchequer.

When renowned big companies , some that have furnished services like Bhadella for many decades shuts down, they say “ old companies must close for new ones to erupt “.

When they use the captured ConCourt and ZEC to mendaciously rig elections ; but dismally fail to jumpstart the economy ,they conveniently flash the sanction card as a mitigating factor to justify their failures .

Whereas the sovereign constitution explicitly indicate that citizenry are protected under the provision of freedom of expression ,wherein they can verbalize and actualize their opinions; they shutdown the internet on them or mercilessly prosecute them .

When Auxiliary Mnangagwa exhibits her acting skills masquerading as a philanthropist manipulating the desperate and disadvantaged, they herald her on ZBC and shower her with accolades. They say she is the First Lady with a gold heart! The propagandist have mastered the faculty of mendacity.

They are allergic to accountability, integrity . Mediocrity is at the epicenter of their governance . Pfeerism is a moral, psychological, intellectual and mental bankruptcy.

Mama, they are here , even on Mvenge Mvenge. We see them daily . Give us a signal on how to deal with their nincompoopery, tomfoolery and buffoonery. Mama, I am allergic to their intellectual laziness!

Mama , we are impatiently waiting for your signal ....

Daddy Gwiri!

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