Sunday, September 29

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Cry My Beloved Zimbabwe

If I were to give a historical account fifty years from now to the next generation, I had say : 

Once upon a time, nearly three score and ten years ago there was an ambience of an economic tsunami in the Kingdom. The King , Robert Gabriel son of Mugabe ruled with an iron fist. Unemployment exponentially climbed to unprecedented diabolical proportions. In the first quarter of the 21st century of the Anno Domini, there was an unprecedented exodus of Zimbabwean men migrating to neighboring countries and far beyond .

Upon arrival to the new hemispheres , the Zimbabwean men assimilated . Industriously , they worked in the foreign lands sending remittances back to the Kingdom , for the up-keeping of their kith and kin . The hard working men came back to the Kingdom to marry and or collect their wives. They took them back to their new homes USA, Canada , France , Germany , UK . Years went by . 

Alas, rumors of divorces , Zimbabwean men killing their wives in foreign lands exponentially increased. At the epicenter of the divorces and killings was the reality that women took advantage of the eurocentric socioeconomic system of the host countries. Some women ejected men from their houses , called the police on the men for minor situations . Some weak men felt defeated and divorced , killed their wives or committed suicide , in their respective foreign lands . 

On the other hand , some marriages prematurely were aborted because when the men got to the foreign land, they became lazy . The women worked three jobs while the men watched football . The marriages died a natural death . The men became the prototype of a phenomenon of toothless bulldogs . This did not augur well with women . 

The children they have in foreign lands have no identity . The identity crisis is psychologically torturing them . They are directionless . 

You see all these Chinese in this country, it is because of Emmerson Dambudzo the son of Mnangagwa. He sold the Kingdom to the Chinese . Today , the President of Zimbabwe is a Chinese. The army , police , judiciary are all controlled by Chinese . In fact , we are not allowed to eat or shop in most of the shops in our Kingdom . You see that luxurious hotel ? Only Chinese can enter that hotel . 

I am now frail with old age , psychologically tortured with the reality that our identity has been destroyed. I am sorry my generation let your generation down ! As I inevitably approach my expiration , I have no peace of mind ! We did not act ! [ Fall down sobbing ]

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