Sunday, September 29

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Citizenry Countrymen Kinsmen Friends & Enemies We Have A Serious Problem

Nigel Gwirikwiti Analysis Citizenry countrymen  kinsmen friends and enemies  we have a serious problem

At this peculiar juncture, under these extenuating circumstances, civility and logic demands us to conceptualize our situation with a prism not polluted with myopia and misguided partisanship. 

Firstly , without any equivocation, with clarity, let me explicitly indicate that this communique/ missive is not an explicit or implicit endorsement of Mnangagwa’s legitimacy; but it’s lack thereof. He is an Usurper , occupying the state House with the help of a captured ConCourt and ZEC . Overwhelmingly , progressive citizenry did not give him the mandate to govern . That’s cleared , let’s move on ....

Secondly, and more disturbingly , the toxic verbal diarrhea spewed by Mr Lipstick in Kuwadzana is felonious and an empirical , not circumstantial evidence  of the allegations against him of gross abuse of power . Mr Lipstick vomited “ Tikaziva kuti vagari veKuwadzana ndovarikukonzera kuti mvura isa nayi, tinoti Army combayi tirove “. In a nutshell he was saying:  if the government discovers that the residents of Kuwadzana are causing rain not to fall , they will mercilessly order the army to beat them up . Ponder on it, for a second! Contextualize and historicize such reckless utterance. 

Our sovereign constitution under Chapter 11 section 213 explicitly itemizes the constitutional circumstances wherein the President is allowed to deploy the army . Clearly, the aforementioned utterance by Mr Lipstick is void ab initio ( from the beginning) to the extent of the limitations as outlined by Chapter 11 section 213 of the constitution. Such gross abuse of power wherein was used to mercilessly order the army to butcher civilians demonstrating is unconstitutional.

On record , Mr Lipstick has explicitly admitted that he unconstitutionally uses the army as a conduit pipe to downtrodden and silence citizens. This is tantamount to treason. Henceforth, the articles of impeachment, in accordance with Chapter 5 section 97 must be invoked against Mr Lipstick accordingly. The following articles of impeachment are due :

i) gross abuse of power - unconstitutionally ordering the army 

ii) violation of citizenry rights through torture , intimidation 

iii) mental incapacitation 

Citizenry are in captivity under the yoke of the fascist- Mr Lipstick. Analogously, the Republic is like the children of Israelites in Egypt;  under the bondage of the satanic Pharaoh! 

Clearly,  such nincompoopery, tomfoolery and buffoonery is unprecedented. The Numpties must go ! 

In lieu of a constitutionally , duly elected President, we have an usurper who has unprecedentedly gone mad ! Clearly , these are proclivities of a ruthless, clueless , power- hungry mad man ! It reminds me of the Shakespeare’s play “ Macbeth “ wherein Dambudzo is our Macbeth ! 

We are under martial law!!!Fascism personified!

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