Tuesday, September 24

Mushure Mekunge Ati Mai Dhuterere Havageze And Havachene Saka Vachigurirwa Zuva Habane Okumbira Ruregerero Atukwa Navanhu

Ndinoda kuti sorry kuna Mai Dhutz for commenting shady things about what she wears compared her husband. 





It’s wrong of me to expect her to adopt her husband style I have no right to speak on someones choice of style Ndiregerereiwo. It’s Wroooong 😩





Zvavuya nekuhope guys, kudo rota ndakapfeka JumpSuit iya ye white ne WWE belt ne bhutsu dziya dzekwa Charlie Chaplin , Ndopandavhunduka I’m the last person to comment about people’s clothes ndikaziva kuti ndabhaiza 






Plus I had no right kuhakira, Pese pandohwa nyaya dze Domestic Vhayolenzi ndino Hakira 😩😔Dai Mwari vandibatsira ndasiyana nenyaya dzevanhu 

Sorry Mai Dhuterere 😘😘🙏🏾

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