Saturday, September 28

Munashe kahonde's sexual appetite yomuripisa mombe 5 mushure mekubatwa chiita Lula Lula  nemukadzi wemwana wake Read more

Man made to pay 5 beasts after being caught having Lula Lula with  his son’s wife. Munashe Kahonde was caught by his son Peter Mafuta in the latter’s house quenching his sexual appetite on his daughter-in-law. A Rushinga clinic nurse aid has been slappedwith five beasts fine after being caught redhanded bonking his son’s wife. He was brought to Headman Chipara’s Community Court after being caught committing adultery with his daughter-in-law in her matrimonial home.

Kahonde, a nurse aid at Chimandau Clinic is reported to have hidden under Mafuta’s bed for the night when Mafuta came back home. It is said Kahonde was trapped after there was a suspicion about his marital affair with his daughter-in-law.

“The day Kahonde fell into a snare, he was betrayed by his shoes that were found at the corner inside the bedroom. “My wife refused to admit but I rummaged the bedroom until I found him in stealth under the bed,” said Mafuta. That act was totally rebuked by Headman Chipara saying what he did was against social customs, values and ethos. Headman Chipara said it was Kahonde’s second time to be dragged to his Court with such type of cases and has lost more than seven beasts within a year paying victims of his adultery cases.

Headman Chipara ordered him to pay five beasts – three for Mafuta and two for traditional authority for the incest case.

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