Sunday, September 29

Mukadzi Wenyoka KuMbare Ndaida Kutengesa Nyoka Kuma Porofita

THE woman who made headlines for dumping a dead python at her friend’s house in Mbare said she wanted to sell the reptile to self-styled prophets to recover money for sex services rendered to a man along Mukuvisi River banks, H-Metro has learnt.

Virginia Mutenda, 29, of Mayambara Village in Seke communal lands disclosed to H-Metro on Friday that she got the reptile from a man who fooled her that she would make money at Mupedzanhamo Market.

Virginia, popularly known as Noma along Mukuvisi River near Seke Flyover where she is into ‘thigh’ vending, told H-Metro that her mission to enquire about the price of the reptile from her friend Stella Simbi,30, was in vain after the latter’s grandmother took her to the police.

“Shato iya ndakaipihwa nemumwe mukomana akanga aiwana yakafa muna Mukuvisi saka akandipa achiti ndinoitengesa ku Mupedzanhamo Market kwadzinotengwa nemaporofita ekufiyo,” said Virginia while smoking her cigarette.

“I loiter along Mukuvisi River to lure men for sex during the day so the person who gave me the python had no money for the services I rendered to him.

“I heard that Gogo Simbi was accused by her neighbours of witchcraft upon the discovery of the snake at her house.

“I have since apologised to her and her family over the incident.

“Gogo Simbi took me to a police station before I disclosed to her that my visit to see Stella was to show her the snake and enquire how much I would charge it at Mupedzanhamo.

“Gogo vakandirambidza kurara zuva repiri pamba pavo vachiti handingarambe ndicharara pamba pavo iyo shamwari yangu isipo vachindipomera kuti ndaigona kunge ndakamuuraya sezvo akanga abva asina kuvaudza.

“There was nothing sinister about the python, its only that I wanted to get money from selling it since my client said the prophets used its skin and fat to lure their potential customers,” said Virginia in tears.

Stella told H-Metro that she had a misunderstanding with her lover who assaulted her forcing her to leave home without telling Gogo Simbi.

“Virginia is my friend but I doubt her sanity because of her decision to take a snake in its decomposed state home expecting to cash on it,” said Stella.

“On the day in question I was at my boyfriend’s house and Virginia was aware of my whereabouts.

“I agreed for her to sleep at my room so that Gogo would not worry much about my absence unaware that Virginia had a snake with her.

“My lover assaulted me and one of my eyes swelled and I did not want Gogo Simbi to see the swollen eye that is why I switched off my phone to stay at my lover’s place for some days.

“Upon my return Gogo Simbi had no kind words over the accusations levelled against her by people who thronged her place.

“We have since resolved the issue but her relatives are not happy with the issue,” said Stella who shares the same name with Gogo Simbi.

A big dead python was discovered under Stella’s bed in Mbare recently after tenants complained about the bad smell at the house and National Parks and Wildlife officials were called and took it.

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