Saturday, September 28

Mufakose Man dies after bedding Mwana wen’anga Read more

A 25-year-old Mufakose man reportedly died after bedding a traditional healer’s 14-year-old daughter.


It is alleged that the late Kudakwashe Chiguma went to the girl’s parents and pleaded for forgiveness after he became ill.


A neighbour told H-Metro that the deceased opened up to her that his sexual encounter with the traditional healer’s daughter last Friday made him sick.


He then approached the girl’s family wanting permission to get the victim’s urine to survive as per instruction by other traditional healers he had visited while seeking help.


The girl’s family allegedly refused to help him

“Mwana akafa rufu runorwadza, aibuda ziya, achizvimba dumbu akabata sikarudzi yake achichema kusvikira afa,” said one of the neighbours.


(“He died painfully, he was sweating, he had a swollen stomach and he would cry while he had his hands on his manhood until his death.”)



A medical doctor who examined him said he was suffering from ulcers.


His friends took him to several traditional healers within Mufakose but to no avail.


The girl’s father told the publication that Kudakwashe had been raping his child for some time only to accuse him of using juju that led to his agony.


He said the deceased was his neighbour, he would buy beer for him in the afternoon and later he would find ways to take his daughter out so that he could go to bed with her.


It is alleged that Kudakwashe, a Nyau dancer and car park guard, bedded the healer’s daughter the whole night leading to his death.


It is further alleged that his friend was also bedding the minor’s 19-year-old sister at the same place last Friday night.


The deceased’s body was taken to Sally Mugabe Central hospital mortuary for post-mortem.

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