Tuesday, September 24

Mudiwa Hood Ndakatsanya 21days And 21 Nights Mweya Urimandiri Unoda Runyararo Tinashe Mutarisi Ngaazvizive

Mudiwa Ochema Iti Ndakatsanya 21 days 21 Night Vanhu Vanondituka Mudiwa This Mudiwa That







Ndinobatsira Vanhu Vakawanda Tinashe Mutarisi Anondinyepera Handi Subortage Vanhu 😫😫🙄😢😢😢Mweya Mutsvene Urimandiri Unoda Runyararo🤪🤣🤣



Dear Mentee

Free yourself from society’s advice, most of them have no idea 🤷‍♂️ about what they are doing. 





Do not waste energy on fear, use the same energy to believe, learn, create and grow.




Have zero expectations of others, if you want to be happy wangu, in-fact normalize walking some paths alone, goals are personal! 




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