Wednesday, September 25

Mudiwa Hood Fans Votuka Tinashe Mutarisi Ungoriwo Clout Chaser Samaitt Unoda Kuti Upiwe Attention Wega Mudiwa Anokuremera Wakambozciitira Tinashe Mugabe

Tinashe hunhu hwake kunge anoziva too much if Tinashe Mugabe wasn't strong dai asiri paari so ..remember achimudiser neprogram yake MAZINDEBVU ARO kuda kukumbirwa iye ega ZANU ichakudzikamisa





Mutarisi is a clout chaser ngaangotengera ma cancer patients chemo therapy machines toziva imbinga isina noise,I don't see anything ne book re how to make money asatisvota mhani






Seems like Tinashe Mutarisi said a lot without actually saying a lot and he is also a successful businessman and has also created employment for a lot of people. And he is also a family man its refreshing to hear something different for a change on how other people prosper and get things done in business. Zvino vatsika magarden evanhu😁😁😁You can not compare Mudiwa and Mutarisi.






They are all good in their own way.Mutarisi must never feel like he is doing better than anyone because in this life it's all about one being grateful and content with what they have.Mutarisi is naturally a loud mouth,fact that anyora neshona kuti tenge tichikuonai it simply means he meant Mudiwa because in Zim he is the only one ane book rakadaro hakuna rimwe book rozikanwa..






Mutarisi is the male version of Mai TT anoda attention to himself too much..I remember Tinashe Mugabe achitanga kurira he Mutarisi wanted to stop him but unfortunately he failed..These are some of the things that happenes in front of us...Ko vanhu vaanorwadzisa outside camera ,mungazoshamiswa here kuti Nash paint yakatsva?Don't make enemies when you are living in a glass house.

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