Zivhu posted on Twitter saying suggesting that even the opposition will eventually appreciate Mnangagwa. He tweeted: Guys ndiyani muZimbabwe angatonga zvinemusoro kunze kwa ED. Dzikamayi hakuna replacement for now maybe after 2030 angawanikwa but panoda nyasha.. Former ZANU PF legislator for Chivi South, Killer Zivhu has said ED, as president Emmerson Mnangagwa is popularly known, should be in office for life since he does not have a replacement.
ED must be our life President nokuti replacement Hakuna. Vanoti haticheuki ndezvekupenga muchacheuka chete muchiona mabasa ake ED. [Who can rule well like ED? Calm down, there is no replacement for now, maybe after 2023 but that also needs grace. ED must be our life president because there is no replacement.
Those who say we don’t look back (opposition song which says we won’t look back to Egypt we head to Canaan) you’re crazy, you will eventually change your mind after seeing the results of ED’s works.]His remarks come as Zimbabwe is gearing up for 2023 elections with opposition parties saying they are guaranteed victory.
Some political analysts, however, argue that the opposition was at its weakest point at the moment and, therefore, must not dream about winning the elections. Others say the playing field is tilted in favour of ZANU PF nevertheless, therefore, the opposition cannot win until reforms have been implemented.
Despite reports of factionalism in the ruling party, Mnangagwa has indicated that he intends to cling to power to at least 2030. Some believe that Zivhu’s remarks are meant to attract favours from the president who can influence his readmission into the ruling party.
Zivhu was expelled for alleged misconduct after he posted on social media calling for dialogue between Mnangagwa and MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa. Back then, Zivhu said solving the impasse between ED and Chamisa was the solution to the deepening socio-economic and political crises in the country.