Thursday, September 19

Mnangagwa Is Sorrounded By Bandits Crooks & Scoundrels

The most remarkable benefit of Zimbabwe liberation struggle is the disappearance of the institution of government. "Government," as we knew it at independence, does not exist anymore. As the war was raging, we were inundated with yearly labels like "Gore Remasimba eVanhu" idolized by Oliver Mutukudzi in a song. What we knew was a struggle that will guarantee us a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."

With that democratic requirement now a pipe dream in Zimbabwe, we were now expecting the government, especially the President, at a minimum, to care for and be responsive to the needs of the people, or at least to perform some basic services for the people. But even these minimal requirements are non-existent. Our government as an entity is now totally divorced from the people and is used by those running it as a vehicle to fleece the people. Everywhere you turn, there is dishonesty, thievery, and embezzlement. Public servants embezzle state funds, and high-ranking ministers are on the take.

Zimbabwe government is non-existent and has become irrelevant to the people. What we are left with is a vampire state—a government hijacked by a phalanx of bandits, gangsters, crooks, and scoundrels who use the machinery of the state to enrich themselves, their cronies, supporters, and members of their own ethnic, racial, or religious group excluding everyone else. It is an apartheid-like system based on the politics of exclusion.

To get out of poverty, one has to belong to that charmed circle. The richest in Zimbabwe are the ruling vampire elites who mostly are government ministers. I will be surprised if the chief bandit is not Mnangagwa himself. If Mnangagwa is not complicity, why can't he fire all the scoundrels around him and bring able advisors that can get the country moving in a month.

The city council has failed to provide water, fix roads, and fix plumbing in the cities. Doesn't the government have an obligation to the people to provide these basic services? Why can't Mnangagwa wake up tomorrow and declare that the government is taking over all city councils and let the army fix the infrastructure of the country? Every country in the world does it when the responsible authorities fail, government steps in—what is so different about Zimbabwe? How much sewage must spew in the city water before Zimbabwe government take notice?

People are sinking boreholes every 20 meters in the city; has anyone done a study to assess the ecological effects? Why can't Mnangagwa mobilize these resources and build community boreholes and tanks that provide water to the city lines? Does everyone have to folk out $5,000.00 to have their own borehole at their own house at the detriment of the environment?

Mnangagwa came to power promising to be a listening President. I don't just want to criticize him but if he needs help, I can bring a team of experts who can fix the country infrastructure in two months for free using local resources. I and my team stand ready to help Zimbabwe at zero cost to the country.

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