Monday, September 16

MDC-A Remains the biggest opposition party in Zimbabwe CCC on number two Read more

Zimbabwe House of Assembly:

Party: Elected: PR+Elected: Percentage

Zanu pf  150           181              71%

MDC A     38              68              18%

CCC         19              19               9%

MDC T       0                1              1%

Indep.        1                                 1%

Disability   2               

TOTAL      210        270               100%


Therefore, Mwonzora clearly strategically did not recall the other errant MPs. Mwonzora can now lead the opposition in dialogue process with ED. Chamisa is third , he has a say , he now has the legitimacy to participate in the diologue just as Khupe and Mliswa since they have representation in Parliament. Is this what Mwonzora envisaged? What does Mwonzora want to dialogue on? Will Chamisa,  Khupe and Mliswa agree to dialogue with ED as initiated by Mwonzora? Zanu pf can pass and  change the law and  will win again in 2023 so does it need diologue with these small parties and party factions fighting between/amongst themselves? What for? They want GNU and delay elections for the so called reforms or economic rebuilding to better the lives of the people? What reforms? 

Ed is a listening President he has always been open to mature dialogue at POLAD platform , not on WhatsApp or social media, so Mwonzora has access to the platform to push his dialogue agenda.

 Surely diologue will start soon but will anything come out of it ? Yes , Mwonzora might seal a pre elections pact with Zanu pf and or may push for some few reforms!

 Chamisa might not be welcome at POLAD as ED considers Chamisa to be  juvenile and deliquently too immature to engage in serious national dialogue. Chamisa can enjoy dancing at rallies for 2023 elections whilst serious people can decide issues of national interest so Cdes do not be deceived Zanu pf is the real deal in town.

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