Thursday, September 19

Matemadanda Warns Zanu PF

ZANU-PF national political commissar Cde Victor Matemadanda yesterday warned party members against meddlesome behaviour in political processes happening in other provinces as this causes divisions.

Cde Matemadanda made the remarks while addressing party members at Zanu-PF Bulawayo provincial headquarters, Davies Hall, during a meeting to announce the newly elected district coordinating committee (DCC) members.

He said he had received information that some party members from other provinces were trying to influence outcomes of Bulawayo DCC elections. “There was talk that some party members from other provinces wanted to influence the outcome of DCC elections in Bulawayo. The Bulawayo leadership has complained about this interference from other provinces which is not allowed. Those that think they are better off in Bulawayo must transfer and join Bulawayo.
If you are in Matabeleland South, Midlands, Masvingo and even Matabeleland North be content with politics of your province,” he said.

Cde Matemadanda said there were some members in the province who came up with a list of their preferred candidates in trying to manipulate the party’s electoral processes. 

He said he will recommend to the Politburo to consider the “lists” issue as a form of indiscipline.

“I’ve got the papers and I’m going to submit them to the Politburo to decide on what action to take,” said Cde Matemadanda.

 He said the lists caused unnecessary divisions in the party hence he was taking the matter up with the Politburo. 

Cde Matemadanda said the party was not happy with the conduct of one youth who wanted to cause confusion during the elections.

He said Bulawayo province should do away with factions as this does not build the party.

Cde Matemadanda said the party’s DCC members have a role in rebuilding the party from grassroots and should start mobilising members.

“I know an election does not excite everyone but this is what Bulawayo has decided and all those who were announcing are not from Bulawayo. I know there might have been problems during elections and if that is so let us know so that we correct them in future. But we must have a DCCs structure in Bulawayo and we have been observing your reactions,” said Cde Matemadanda. 

He said Zanu-PF should have a new way of doing things instead of creating fictitious structures to please the party headquarters. In Area One Cde Raymond Mtomba won the chairmanship deputised by Cde Nkosana Mkandla and in Area 2 Cde Paul Mutara won the chairmanship with Cde Ntandoyenkosi Mlilo as the deputy.

Former Njube-Lobengula MP Cde Maidei Mpala won the Area 3 chair and is deputised by Cde Nkonzo Mhlanga while in Area 4 Cde Obert Msindo was elected chair and is deputised by Cde Dennis Sibanda. Cde Zowa Msika is chairman of Area 5 and is deputised by Cde Khanien Ngwenya. 

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