Sunday, September 29

Mashura Prophet Turns Water Into Wine

Prophet turns water into wine. According to eyewitnesses, DD Isaac poured water into a glass and after “ministration” the water turned into a wine like substance. Controversial Zambian International Prophet DD Isaac is reported to have caused a stir at his Holy Ghost Embassy church on Sunday when he allegedly turned water into wine.

While it is acknowledged that Jesus Turned water into wine it is not recorded anywhere else that a human being has been able to accomplish the same feat. This incident left congregants baffled as to whether this was really a miracle or a scam.

South Africa based religious analyst Shephard Ben Abraham said the miracle of turning water into wine is being used by alcohol consumers to justify their acts.

“While there is nothing wrong with miracles, these kind of miracles of turning water into wine are fueling reckless drinking,” Shephard said. “I would advise pastors to desist from this kind of miracles for the sake of society.”

DD Isaac made headlines in December 2019 after he released a prophecy that Mary Chiwenga was going to spill secrets about General Chiwenga which were going to lead to a coup d’etat plot. His prophecy was partly fulfilled as Mary Chiwenga submitted court papers which savaged General Chiwenga’s reputation and revealed a lot of explosive secrets about his personal, political and financial life.

Recently Advocate Thabani Mpofu submitted a legal opinion which stated that Mnangagwa had abdicated the Presidency and Chiwenga was now the President at law. This move gave weight to DD Isaac’s Prophecy in which he states that he saw two lions fighting in Zimbabwe, a red lion believed to be Mnangagwa and a green lion believed to be Chiwenga from his military fatigues and command of the army.

Family Sources close to retired General Chiwenga indicated that the DD Isaac prophecy shook General Chiwenga to a point where the Acting President went to church to pray and seek spiritual guidance, something the General rarely does. After seeking prayer and spiritual counsel Chiwenga waved a white flag as he sought for an out of court settlement with his estranged wife

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