Tuesday, April 01

Man sentenced to 400 years in prison Mushure mekunge abata chibharo  10-year-old stepdaughter 1000 times.

The Verulam man was further given a 173-year prison sentence after being found guilty of 56 counts relating to r@pe, human trafficking, s.e.xual grooming, s.e.xual abuse and distribution of child p0rn0graphy. A 46-year-old man, who r@ped his 10-year-old stepdaughter close to 1 000 times over five years, was sentenced to nine life terms in the Durban High Court on Friday.

The Sunday Times Daily reported that the man, an auto electrician by trade who cannot be named to protect the identity of the child, had also deliberately laced his fingers with acid to burn off his fingerprints in an apparent attempt to prevent him being linked to other crimes.

Man sentenced to 400 years in prison after r@ping 10-year-old stepdaughter 1 000 times Dild0s and other s.e.x toys used to penetrate the girl during s.e.xual acts were also confiscated in the home.

During the trial, it was revealed the man had rap_ed his stepdaughter since the death of her mother in 2013 almost every second day at their residences in Benoni, Effingham, Pinetown, Reservoir Hills, Sydenham and other areas in Gauteng and Kwazulu-Natal.

Judge Mohini Moodley found the accused guilty of all 56 charges and said he should be registered as a se_x offender and not be allowed near children.

Moodley said the stepfather had pr0stituted the child for financial gain and the investigating officer, Nevarge Lutchminarain of the Verulam family violence, child protection and se_xual offences unit, should pursue charges against all those who abused the child se_xually. Lutchminarain had previously detailed how the accused had issued threats to all those who he felt had contributed to his incarceration. He was arrested in June 2018 at his home in Verulam, north of Durban, after the child confided in a neighbour about the alleged abuses. The neighbour rallied a group of women who confronted the man when he returned home from work.

Private security company Reaction Unit SA (Rusa) spokesperson Prem Balram said they were called in for assistance after a group of residents had discovered horrifying videos of the rap_es on the man’s mobile phone.

“His mobile phone was confiscated and several video recordings of rap_e were found. Recordings of other men and women engaged in s.e.xual activity with the child were also found in the memory card. Pictures of the accused using woman’s lingerie were also discovered on the phone.”

“I spoke to the applicant and he told me to pass on a message to the victim, specifically not to forget what he had promised her. When I spoke to her, she said the applicant had told her if she went to the police they would both be locked up and he would put her in the same place he put her mother,” he said. TimesLIVE visited and reported in detail about the one-bedroom home where the man had kept the girl hostage for years. The home had one entrance with a bolted door and windows blacked out with newspaper. The rap_ist will serve his almost 400-year prison sentence at Durban’s Westville Correctional Centre.

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