Thursday, October 24

Maitt Vonzi Vanoda Kuuraya System Yemutemo We Zimbabwe Vaburitswa Sei Mujeri Nguva Isati Yakwana Vanhu Vodzifambira

Saka uyo Pambuka ndiye asina ma Connection ku gavhument kuti abudewo before time?





Makamboonepi nyaya inonzi yadzokera ku Court pasina kuitwa Apeal a SENTENCE??

Feli nevanhu vake vanoda kuuraya system!






Saka magistrate akamuti GUILTY saka is incompetent ka? 

Vari kuti angonzo dzoka tikutonge patsva ! Nekuti AKOSHEIKO iye akaba? Ane 2 ppassports futi and its ignored! 






Saka munhu wese mujere ngaatongwe patsva for no reason!! 

Who is her boss?Anyways asi chakambo serva hacho sentence nevamwe vake !








The law inonetsa kunzwisisa unless watoita study law mufunge,it doesn't mean magistrate was not competent but the law provides kuti one can appeal against a decision of a lower court..they actually did appeal...there were some essential elements to prove theft beyond a reasonably doubt which were not met chete!!

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