Wednesday, September 25

Maitt Vachichema Vakunzi Nevana Vavo Bye Bye Chilindai Mubhazi Revasungwa Vana Vakashinga Ava

She was trying so hard to avoid looking at her kids πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­. Mothers pain!!!





And the way TT was so relaxed as if nothing is going on....i was so touched Very sad moyo wangu wadimbukaVana vake they are strong than I am...Ini hangu nemisodzi yangu irimumaziso Dai ndachema





Eish ndanzwa tsitsi ngavachingovabuditse Kani vadzidza😭😭Let's hope paanodzoka anorarama life iri normal she's a bubbly person life iyi haisi yake I'm not her fan but eish ndabatikana





This is good for her hantit vaizviita anofamba naPresident here Zimbabwe Wil humble you she must learn a lessonShe looks so good. Her skin has this extra glow. This was a blessing in disguise. She needed the time off from everything. πŸ’–πŸ’–

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